International Renaissance Festival 2018

International Renaissance Festival in Lublin - files to download

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© Belriguardo Foundation - your window on history and art.

Belriguardo Foundation
City of Lublin
Lublin Museum
Klasztor o.o. Dominikanów w Lublinie 2nd Youth Centre in Lublin
Szpilka Foundation SOSW nr 1 w Lublinie
The Comedians dell'arte troupe Teatr NN Trasa Podziemna
Honorary Patronage
Honorowy Patronat Prezydenta Miasta Lublin

Media Patronage
Radio Lublin Radio Centrum Kurier Lubelski Dziennik Wschodni LAJF TVP3 Lublin

Implemented with the support of the City of Lublin as a part of the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the City held in 2017